Hello {{context.user.givenName|capitalize}} {{context.user.shortFamilyName|capitalize}}
{{context.senderAlias|capitalize}} from the carppoling platform {{context.senderOperator}} has made a formal request for carpooling, details below.
Occasional trip:
{% if context.booking.distance %}
- Carpooling distance : {{context.booking.distance}}km
{% endif %}
- Date: on {{context.booking.passengerPickupDate|date("d-m-Y at H:i",context.carpoolTimezone)}}
- Pick-up in {{context.booking.passengerPickupAddress}}.
- Drop-off in Lyon {{context.booking.passengerDropAddress}}.
{% if context.booking.price %}
- Indicative rate: {{context.booking.price.amount}} {{context.booking.price.currency}}.
{% endif %}
You can reply to this message, follow up or refuse to carpool, via "My messages" on {{api_env('EMAILS_PLATFORM_NAME')}} by clicking here