{# CAREFUL : Some client might need to replicate this template #} {% extends 'communicationAlt/fr/email/notification/base.html.twig' %} {% block body %} {% set ad = context.ad %} {% set recipient = context.user %} {% set sender = context.sender %} {% set result = context.result %} {% set outwardOrigin = context.outwardOrigin %} {% set outwardDestination = context.outwardDestination %} {% set returnOrigin = context.returnOrigin %} {% set returnDestination = context.returnDestination %} {# intro #} {# info trajet #} {% if ad.results[0].frequency == 1 %} {# ponctuel #} {% else %} {# régulier #} {% for schedule in ad.schedule %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {# messages #} {# How to prepare your carpool #} {# point 1 #} {# point 2 #} {# point 3 #}

You have a carpool request !

Hello {{recipient.givenName|capitalize}} {{recipient.shortFamilyName|capitalize}},

{{sender.givenName|capitalize}} {{sender.shortFamilyName|capitalize}} offers you to carpool with him/her !

Date of your carpool: {{ ad.results[0].date|date("d/m/Y") }}

Price: {{ad.results[0].roundedPrice}}€


{{ outwardOrigin.address.displayLabel[0] }}


{{ outwardDestination.address.displayLabel[0] }}

Your regular trips: {{ ad.results[0].startDate|date("d/m/Y") }} to {{ ad.results[0].toDate|date("d/m/Y") }}

Price: {{ad.results[0].roundedPrice}}€

{{ outwardOrigin.address.displayLabel[0] }}

{{ outwardDestination.address.displayLabel[0] }}

{% if schedule.monCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.tueCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.wedCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.thuCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.friCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.satCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.sunCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %}


{% if schedule.outwardPickUpTime == null %}

Not concerned

{% else %}

Pick-up in {{schedule.outwardPickUpTime|date('H:i')}}

{% endif %}
{% if schedule.outwardPickUpTime == null %}

Not concerned

{% else %}

Drop-off in {{schedule.outwardDropOffTime|date('H:i')}}

{% endif %}


{% if schedule.returnPickUpTime == null %}

Not concerned

{% else %}

Pick-up in {{schedule.returnPickUpTime|date('H:i')}}

{% endif %}
{% if schedule.returnPickUpTime == null %}

Not concerned

{% else %}

Drop-off in {{schedule.returnDropOffTime|date('H:i')}}

{% endif %}
{% if loop.last != true %}
{% endif %}

Accept or decline this carpool request

How to prepare your carpool ?

Accept or refuse a solicitation by clicking buttons at the top right of the Messages page. Without this, the carpool will not be registered on the interface, you will not receive any proof of carpooling and you will not be able to pay online or leave a review..

Be sure to define your pick-up and drop-off point with your carpooler beforehand. You can help yourself relay points map.

{#attention #}

Payment can be made by hand on the day of the carpool or by credit card from My accepted carpools after the trip. Agree with your carpooler on the paiement method you prefer. Our tutorial.

Beware, ill-intentioned people may ask you for other means of payment, in particular via prepaid cards (Transcash). Refuse these fraudulent practices and report this user to us.

{% endblock %}