Confirm or decline your carpool request
Hello {{recipient.givenName|capitalize}} {{recipient.shortFamilyName|capitalize}},
{{sender.givenName|capitalize}} {{sender.shortFamilyName|capitalize}} is still waiting for your reply to his carpool request :
Date of your carpool: {{ ad.results[0].date|date("d/m/Y") }}
Price: {{ad.results[0].roundedPrice}}€
{{ outwardOrigin.address.displayLabel[0] }}
{{ outwardDestination.address.displayLabel[0] }}
Your regular trips: {{ ad.results[0].startDate|date("d/m/Y") }} to {{ ad.results[0].toDate|date("d/m/Y") }}
Price: {{ad.results[0].roundedPrice}}€
{{ outwardOrigin.address.displayLabel[0] }}
{{ outwardDestination.address.displayLabel[0] }}
{% if schedule.outwardPickUpTime == null %}
Not concerned
{% else %}
Pick-up in {{schedule.outwardPickUpTime|date('H:i')}}
{% endif %}
{% if schedule.outwardPickUpTime == null %}
Not concerned
{% else %}
Drop-off in {{schedule.outwardDropOffTime|date('H:i')}}
{% endif %}
{% if schedule.returnPickUpTime == null %}
Not concerned
{% else %}
Pick-up in {{schedule.returnPickUpTime|date('H:i')}}
{% endif %}
{% if schedule.returnPickUpTime == null %}
Not concerned
{% else %}
Drop-off in {{schedule.returnDropOffTime|date('H:i')}}
{% endif %}
{% if loop.last != true %}
{% endif %}
Accept or decline this carpool request
We remind you of the importance of responding to carpool requests. If no response, the person is unable to organize his or her journey and this penalizes the Mobicoop carpooling community. We thank you for your understanding.