{# CAREFUL : Some client might need to replicate this template #} {% extends 'communicationAlt/fr/email/notification/base.html.twig' %} {% block body %} {% set ad = context.ad %} {% set recipient = context.user %} {% set sender = context.sender %} {% set result = context.result %} {% set outwardOrigin = context.outwardOrigin %} {% set outwardDestination = context.outwardDestination %} {% set returnOrigin = context.returnOrigin %} {% set returnDestination = context.returnDestination %} {# intro #} {# info trajet #} {% if ad.results[0].frequency == 1 %} {# ponctuel #} {% else %} {# régulier #} {% for schedule in ad.schedule %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}

Your carpool request is declined

Hello {{recipient.givenName|capitalize}} {{recipient.shortFamilyName|capitalize}},

{{sender.givenName|capitalize}} {{sender.shortFamilyName|capitalize}} has declined the carpool request for the following trip:

Date of your carpool: {{ ad.results[0].date|date("d/m/Y") }}

Price: {{ad.results[0].roundedPrice}}€


{{ outwardOrigin.address.displayLabel[0] }}


{{ outwardDestination.address.displayLabel[0] }}

Your regular trips: {{ ad.results[0].startDate|date("d/m/Y") }} to {{ ad.results[0].toDate|date("d/m/Y") }}

Price: {{ad.results[0].roundedPrice}}€

{{ outwardOrigin.address.displayLabel[0] }}

{{ outwardDestination.address.displayLabel[0] }}

{% if schedule.monCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.tueCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.wedCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.thuCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.friCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.satCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.sunCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %}


{% if schedule.outwardPickUpTime == null %}

Not concerned

{% else %}

Pick-up in {{schedule.outwardPickUpTime|date('H:i')}}

{% endif %}
{% if schedule.outwardPickUpTime == null %}

Not concerned

{% else %}

Drop-off in {{schedule.outwardDropOffTime|date('H:i')}}

{% endif %}


{% if schedule.returnPickUpTime == null %}

Not concerned

{% else %}

Pick-up in {{schedule.returnPickUpTime|date('H:i')}}

{% endif %}
{% if schedule.returnPickUpTime == null %}

Not concerned

{% else %}

Drop-off in {{schedule.returnDropOffTime|date('H:i')}}

{% endif %}
{% if loop.last != true %}
{% endif %}

Don't panic, you can search for a new carpool or post an ad to be alerted if there are new carpools near you.

{% endblock %}