Hello {{context.user.givenName}},
Thank you for your interest in Mobicoop's Rezo Pouce service.
When I validated your registration to send you your membership card, I noticed that the ID you sent us is not valid (missing, illegible or blurred).
In order to finalize your registration, please send me back your ID from your user profile or by post (Mobicoop - 9 boulevard Louis Sicre - 82100 CASTELSARRASIN):
- A photocopy (or photo) of your identity card
{{api_env('EMAILS_PLATFORM_NAME')}} guarantees you a peaceful and friendly network, so please send me these details as soon as possible.
AOn receipt, I will send you :
- By email : your Rezo Kit
- By post : your membership card
Without your reply, I will not be able to validate your registration to our Rezo and will be obliged to delete your account.
Assured of your understanding,