{# CAREFUL : Some client might need to replicate this template #} {% extends 'communicationAlt/fr/email/notification/base.html.twig' %} {% block body %} {# part 1 #} {# part 2 #}

Post your first carpoll ad !

Hello {{context.user.givenName|capitalize}} {{context.user.shortFamilyName|capitalize}},

Since your registration on Mobicoop, you have not yet published a carpool ad.
On our platform, vyou can post an ad as :

Driver : you have a car and are looking for passengers to fill it up.

Passenger : you don't have a car, and you're looking to join a driver's car.

Not important : you're flexible: you can take your own car or join up with another carpooler.

By posting an ad, you will be alerted to upcoming trips that match your criteria. !

Our interface allows you to publish carpool ads for all your trips :

One-off trips.

Recurrent trips (e.g. commuting). You can set different slots for different days of the week.

To go to your public or private events.

If needed, take a look at our tutorial on how to post an ad for carpooling..

So let's get started ?

{% endblock %}