{# CAREFUL : Some client might need to replicate this template #} {% extends 'communicationAlt/fr/email/notification/base.html.twig' %} {% block body %}

New contact request

Hello {{context.user.givenName|capitalize}} {{context.user.shortFamilyName|capitalize}},

A person registered od {{ context.origin }} would like to carpool with you.

This message concerns your trip from {{ context.journeyOrigin }} to {{ context.journeyDestination }}{% if context.journeyDate != '' and context.journeyTime != '' %} on {{ context.journeyDate }} at {{ context.journeyTime }}{% endif %}.

Her message :

{{ context.text | nl2br }}

As this person is registered on another carpooling platform, you cannot reply via Mobicoop.

On the other hand, you can use the contact details she has normally given you in her message to contact her directly.

"See you soon on Mobicoop

{% endblock %}