{# CAREFUL : Some client might need to replicate this template #} {% extends 'communicationAlt/fr/email/notification/base.html.twig' %} {% block body %} {% set ad = context.ad %} {% set recipient = context.user %} {% set sender = context.sender %} {% set result = context.result %} {% set outwardOrigin = context.outwardOrigin %} {% set outwardDestination = context.outwardDestination %} {% set returnOrigin = context.returnOrigin %} {% set returnDestination = context.returnDestination %} {# intro #} {# info trajet #} {% for schedule in ad.schedule %} {% endfor %} {# How to prepare your carpool #}

Your regular ad will expire soon !

Hello {{recipient.givenName|capitalize}} {{recipient.shortFamilyName|capitalize}},

Your regular carpool with {{sender.givenName|capitalize}} {{sender.shortFamilyName|capitalize}} will expire in a week.

{{ outwardOrigin.address.displayLabel[0] }}

{{ outwardDestination.address.displayLabel[0] }}

{% if schedule.monCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.tueCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.wedCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.thuCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.friCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.satCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if schedule.sunCheck %} {% else %} {% endif %}


{% if schedule.outwardPickUpTime == null %}

Not concerned

{% else %}

Pick-up in {{schedule.outwardPickUpTime|date('H:i')}}

{% endif %}
{% if schedule.outwardPickUpTime == null %}

Not concerned

{% else %}

Drop-off in {{schedule.outwardDropOffTime|date('H:i')}}

{% endif %}


{% if schedule.returnPickUpTime == null %}

Not concerned

{% else %}

Pick-up in {{schedule.returnPickUpTime|date('H:i')}}

{% endif %}
{% if schedule.returnPickUpTime == null %}

Not concerned

{% else %}

Drop-off in {{schedule.returnDropOffTime|date('H:i')}}

{% endif %}
{% if loop.last != true %}
{% endif %}

If you wish to continue carpooling together, you must submit a new request and extend the carpooling period. Otherwise, your next trips will no longer appear in your carpool export, and you will no longer be able to pay for your trips by credit card.

Enjoy carpooling on {{api_env('EMAILS_PLATFORM_NAME')}}

{% endblock %}