{# CAREFUL : Some client might need to replicate this template #} {% extends 'communicationAlt/fr/email/notification/base.html.twig' %} {% block body %}

Have you forgotten to compensate your carpooler ?

Hello {{ context.debtor.givenName }},

The driver {{ context.creditor.givenName }} reminds you about the trip {{ context.origin }}/{{ context.destination }} you made together on {{ context.date|date("d-m-Y") }} For an amount of {{context.amount}} €.

To validate/pay your carpoolers, go to your profile, from the "Accepted carpools" tab, or directly from the following link {{api_env('EMAILS_PLATFORM_URL')}}/utilisateur/profil/modifier/mes-covoiturages-acceptes.

See you soon on {{api_env('EMAILS_PLATFORM_NAME')}} !

{% endblock %}